Aiden Avila

About Aiden Avila

Hi, my name is Aiden Avila, and this is my blog about chinchillas.

I’m a San Diego native, and I’ve always been passionate about these little creatures. Even My wife got used to them, and they are better than dogs for my kids!

Chinchillas have been in my life since I was a kid, ever since my dad worked at the zoo. I used to go with him to work and sit around the chinchilla’s cages, watching them play and learning as much as possible about their behavior.

I remember my father always trying to show me the lions and tigers, but for me, chinchillas were the most exciting animal in the whole zoo.

I have 5 pet chinchillas, and I love them all dearly. They have their own cage, and I like to play with them every day. I do my best to provide the best care for them and to help spread awareness about these little creatures that so often get overlooked by people.

So how did I come to adopt 5 chinchillas? Well, that’s a story for another post, but the short version is that I’ve always wanted to give them a good home.

I created this blog to share my knowledge on chinchillas and also create a space where fellow pet owners can come together and learn, share stories and tips, and generally talk about our beloved chinchillas.

On this blog, I want to share my knowledge and experience with these awesome animals. From grooming tips to nutritional advice, I will be covering it all here.

I’m no expert, but my own experiences with chinchillas can help other owners and people who are new to the world of chinchilla care.

This has been a passion of mine for many years, so join me in exploring this fascinating journey! Feel free to reach out or leave comments if you have any questions or suggestions.

Thanks for visiting my blog, and happy reading!


Welcome aboard!

Aiden Avila.

Chinchilla enthusiast & blogger.


P.S. Welcome to Chinsville! 🙂